Security sets you free.

What do we mean by that?

Our slogan is “Security sets you free.” What do we mean by that?

In general, we believe that security can provide a sense of freedom and peace of mind. It’s the harness you pull down over your shoulders before launch on that scary rollercoaster. In the context of cybersecurity, a robust security program enables organizations to operate without the constraints of fear, uncertainty, or doubt. The people who make up that organization can live more freely, focusing on their activities without constantly worrying about potential risks or vulnerabilities.

But, security is not just a synonym for locks on doors. Security, for us, implies all the people, processes, and technologies that go into building a strong security program. It’s just as much about readiness and preparedness as it is about prevention. Empowering clients in building their security program protects their employees, clients, data, and assets. It’s about doing the right thing. Security with a capital “S” is NOT a job to us, it’s a calling.

Linking security to preparedness.

A part of every good security program is security awareness training, phishing tests, and business continuity exercises. Teams who practice security in tabletop exercises build up their incident response “muscle” so that they are stronger and more capable when a real incident takes place. This readiness work is a part of security that enables and empowers, allowing the organization to operate freely – knowing it is ready for the next big event.

Linking security to justice.

Talk to anyone who has been a victim of crime, and you’ll hear common complaints: a sense of helplessness, a touch of embarrassment, a feeling of being violated, anger, and righteous indignation. This is true for those who have been physically robbed and those who have fallen victim to cybercrime. Cybersecurity practitioners can’t stand this sense of unfairness: hard-earned dollars be taken by a scammer who didn’t earn it. A sense of standing up for what is right is part of what drives us in the security field.

Standing up for what is right certainly drives us at Overt Channel. Making it a fair playing field, keeping people safe, protecting the hard-earned assets of an entrepreneur, and guarding the intellectual property of the inventor are the reasons we do what we do.