Minimizing The Insider Threat.

In an earlier article, we described The Insider Threat as the Greatest Cybersecurity Threat organizations face today. This threat comes from within and is exemplified by the disgruntled employee who takes advantage of the trust and access granted to them to do harm to their own organization.

Organizations with a toxic culture, hostile work environment, and poor leadership actually cultivate Insider Threats. Conversely, organizations can build a culture that minimizes the Insider Threat.

But is there more to it? Does a great corporate culture just minimize the chances of the bad? Or, is there another way of looking at the benefits of a healthy work environment?

The healthy work environment has:

  • Leadership – It all starts at the top! Start with a clear mission, answer the “why?”, reward merit, and build a true team… is a good beginning.

  • Great Employee Experience – We talk about the Employee Experience in this blog article about Leadership and Security.

  • Unit Cohesion – A military concept defining the bond between teammates that allows them to overcome obstacles in spite of stress.

  • Commitment to Excellence – Determining to be the best at what we do.
  • Empowerment – enabling and supporting teammates to excel.

  • Compassion – providing opportunities to grow, learn, and improve.

  • Teamwork – collaboration, cooperation, and support.

The Insider Strength.

We propose that a healthy work environment that emphasizes security could develop an Insider Strength. The opposite of Insider Threat, Insider Strength is the cultivation of a security ethos that permeates the culture of an organization. The effect of such an ethos hardens the defenses of the organization as a whole.

Imagine if your organization developed the layers of security that truly mitigates the modern cybersecurity risk. Imagine if no employees had to deal with security issues at home, including identity theft.

Encourage teammates as they take home the security lessons they learned at work. What loyalty would foster if employees shared their security knowledge with their families and prevented their aging parents from falling victim to cyber criminals?

Physical, human, and cyber security.