Overt Channel In The Nashville Post.

With buzz around the topic of banning TikTok on government systems making waves in the news cycle, the Nashville Post interviewed Overt Channel’s owner Bart Holzer. In the Q&A-style interview, Holzer answered four security-related questions focusing on social media. Read the article here.

In the Nashville Post article, Holzer answers the following questions:

  • Is TikTok actually a security risk for businesses?

  • Compared to government entities, why would a business in Tennessee be a target for social media-related attacks?

  • How should individuals assess their own risks related to TikTok or other social media?

  • Should other government entities (major cities like Nashville, for example) institute TikTok bans like those enacted by several states, or is that more of a PR move?

More about the Nashville Post.

The Nashville Post started publishing in early 2000 after being founded by two former business reporters for The Tennessean. It maintains both print and online editions, with the print version being a quarterly magazine reporting on regional trends and the online version at nashvillepost.com covering daily news for Middle Tennessee. Currently owned by Freeman Webb Publishing, the Nashville Post continues to grow while serving Nashville and the surrounding areas. More more information, contacts, and subscription details, see their FAQ.

Physical, human, and cyber security.