Security Assessments.

Baseline Cybersecurity Assessments

Never performed a cybersecurity assessment at your business? Overt can help you select a security framework and assess your current security posture. A Baseline Assessment is used for future Gap Assessments.

We recommend three frameworks, depending on a client’s specific needs:

  • CIS Top 20
  • ISO 27001 / 27002

Clients appreciate the deliverables that result from Overt’s Baseline Assessments. Of course, a report is provided. But, Overt also provides a workbook with all the assessment findings that is sortable by impact, cost, and estimated completion time. That way, the findings can be sorted to present the highest impact, lowest cost, and quickest recommendation to implement. These are the “low hanging fruit” that can be implemented right away. The remaining recommendations can serve as a roadmap for the client’s security program for months, or even years, to come. As budget and time allows, the client can work down the list of recommendations, improving their security posture well into the future.

Gap Cybersecurity Assessments

Overt typically executes Gap Assessments by:

  • Identifying targeted security tier or profile, i.e. “where you want to be.”
  • Identifying current security tier or profile, i.e. “where you are.”
  • Identifying gaps: the difference between “where you are” and “where you want to be.”

Develop recommendations focusing on the gaps.

Physical Security Assessments

Organizations need to protect their employees, customers, and assets physically. The physical security risk is higher than it’s ever been before. Overt can assess your organizations’ physical infrastructure, including:

  • Access Control
  • Panic Alarms
  • Emergency Response Equipment (first aid kits, defibrillators, bleeding control, etc)
  • Camera Systems
  • Response Procedures

Overt partners with world-class security integrators, so assessment recommendations can be acted upon quickly.