Vendor Selection.

MSSP Selection

Know that you need a Managed Security Systems Provider (MSSP) to assist your security team in monitoring, alerting, and case handling? Or, do you have an internal security team but need a new tech stack? Either way, we can assist you in identifying the right solution for your business. Cut through all the noise and advertising hype and let us assist you in vendor selection.

Vendor Selection for Security Products

Tired of “80% Solutions?” Looking to introduce a new security capability? Upgrade an existing solution?

It’s difficult to properly evaluate and compare security products, especially with all the acronyms and similar feature sets in various products. A proper vendor selection takes time and effort. We’ve performed this function many times and can help you with vendor selection. Selecting the correct vendor up front can save so much time and money later… let us help you do vendor selection right!

We have specific experience in selecting:

  • SIEM
  • Managed SOC
  • XDR or managed XDR (mXDR)
  • MDR
  • Password manager